Hekiganroku - Case 23: Hofuku and Chokei Go on a Picnic Once Hofuku and Chokei went out on a picnic in the hills. Hofuku, pointing with a finger, said, "Right here is the summit of Myo Peak." [1] Chokei said, "Exactly. But, it's regrettable." (Setcho commented saying, "What's the use of making an excursion with these fellows today?" He again said, "Hundreds and thousands of years from now, I don't say that there will be none like him, only that there will be very few.") Later, they reported to Kyosei about it. Kyosei said, "If it weren't for the Reverend Son [2], you would see only skeletons in the field." [1] Literally: "the Peak of Wonder." [2] Namely Chokei.